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Local law is an increasingly important element of a global anti-corruption program. Securing the necessary information about local laws can be a challenge. The International Law GuidesTM have been designed to meet this challenge. The Guides are a web-based compliance tool designed to provide global companies and their employees with detailed information on local anti-corruption laws. A second tool provides information on laws affecting the hiring, retention, and termination of sales representatives in countries around the world.

Each country guide is developed by an attorney in the local jurisdiction with the requisite experience. Each guide is written in English and carefully vetted for clarity and scope. The guides are posted online in a simple, consistent, and user-friendly format. Each country guide is updated on an annual basis.

Anti-Corruption Laws Laws that Govern Sales Reps
The International Anti-Corruption Law Guide provides a country-by-country overview of local laws, regulations, policies, and practices that apply to the range of payment issues companies encounter when doing business abroad, including facilitation payments, product marketing, transportation, accommodations, meals, entertainment, gifts, and business courtesies. The International Representatives Law Guide contains a country-by-country overview of the local laws, regulations, practices, and government policies that apply to the engagement, management, compensation, and termination of sales representatives, sales agents, and consultants.